Required entry: KW exercise 9.6

The layout of the store toy section is clearly laid out for boys and girls toys. Their are rows and rows of toys, with nothing but boys toys and a rows and rows of girls toys at, Toys “R” Us. I got lost in there looking at toys, its like a “Maze”or “Toy Heaven.”

The boys section had toys just for boys like star wars figures and light sabres,Death Star, Storm Trooper that said ” Drop the weapon”, “Give me your Identification”,”Let me take you into custody”, an Imperial Star Destroyer, a talking “R2 D2” only 99.99 bucks.It had and “Police cars” and “Fire trucks” with real sirens and flashing lights and “Monster trucks”, “Batman”, “dump trucks” that were battery and remote controlled, Most of the colors were blue and black and red, green, neon colors on most of the toys.the boys bikes were motocross and were black or blue or red. Real looking “Nerf” guns called “Ravager”, With bullets and Star wars guns that threw a beam of light.The types of words to market towards boys was words like cool, tough, awesome, mighty action, Hero, legendary, Call of Duty, launch and crash, fast, stunt, menace, full function, storm crusher, “light and sound powered”, Blast, Advanced, sharper image, street savage, Mega.”Toys R Us”actually divides toys into a blue and navy “boys” section, and a pink and white “girls”section.The toy packaging exhibited significant color differences. The store aisles contained plenty of pinks, the most popular “girl” color by far, also yellows, whites, lavenders, reds and pastels. Conversely, the boys’ aisles had an array of blue the most popular “boys” color by far, as well as green, red, black, gray, and brown coming in behind.

Furthermore, toy packaging exhibited significant color differences. The store
aisles contained plenty of pinks, the most popular “girl” color by 95%, yellows, whites,
lavenders, reds and pastels. Conversely, the boys’ aisles had an array of blue the most
popular “boys” color by 95% as well, green, red, black, gray, and brown

The girls toys were different, they had mostly dolls and princess lia from star wars, make up kits, barbie dolls,”Barbie Studio doll house”, tea sets, play oven, Hospital play set, Wood Kitchen set, Craz-Knits Designer Knitting station, Sew Cool sewing machine, Disney movie “Frozen Ice Castle” play set, lots of things with mirrors and play make up kits saying look pretty and sparkle, the girls bikes were simple bikes for street use and colors were pretty pink and purple with bells and toggle strings hanging from the handle bars, that I thought was pretty cool.The words used to market girls toys were pretty, fantastic, “Imaginary Pretend”, “Sew Cool”, “Play Friends”, “Dream House”,”Wish”, “Magical Cinderella”,”Glam party”, “Dream”,”Fun with Friends”, “Careers”, “Glow”, “Twinkle”, “Shimmer and Sparkle”,”Cook and Learn”, “Smart Kitchen”,”Just like Home”, “Journey Girls”, “Fearless Dreamer”,”Sexy”, Pretty, Lucius, “Delicious Cookies”, “Tempting Cupcakes”,”Sweet Cream pies”, on oven and Play kitchen sets.

The Toy store I selected was called a “Singing Machine” or karaoke box and was not easy to find in vast items of toys that were in the store for boys and girls.It was located in the back wall in the corner of the store. They had a basic model, it was white in color and made different colors when you sang into it. After my experience in Toys R US  I see that Toys are a means of teaching boys and girls to act in today’s society. Most of the toys for boys teach them to be tough and physical. They teach things like aggression by having toys like guns with bullets. These types of toy teach young boys that its fun to play around and pretend that you are killing the bad guy. This might seem Ok to the parent that sees the boy as simply playing a game but in reality the child’s brain is being programmed in the subconscious level to resort to violence as a way of solving problems.This teaches boys to learn that boys have to be hostile and mean. The toys of cars, fire trucks, police cars, teach boys that boys are naturally going to grow up and be firemen or police men. The toys from Star wars are teaching boys to be either with the Dark Side with Darth Vader and his Storm troopers or with the “Force”, and combat evil. Most of the toys for Boys teach ” Competition”, and “Physical Force”is the behavior that males are expected to exhibit in the society. Boys action figures are dolls in disguise, they reinforce traditional gender roles, like being strong and fearless, Intelligent decision makers. You will probably never see an action figure holding a baby or pushing a vacuum, such things potrayed for girls. Action figures teach boys to be tough and to fight to protect others and crime. In any rare event, will you can find in a toy store an action figure portraying a girl. Although, she will probably be wearing a sexy bikini, bra top and tall sexy boots fighting crime. This is  not exactly the most conducive outfit for saving people from harm or evil villians. Action figures teach boys to be aggressive and dominant over girls.Car and truck toys teach children that boys are more aggressive and dominant. Driving fast, hauling heavy loads and crashing cars is more associated with male behavior.

 Many girls’ toys also teach the obsessive value of appearance for societal acceptance. Girls’ toys stress physical beauty and appearance while boys’ toys focus on
respect for their physical abilities.Girls learn how to be beautiful, making themselves acceptable in society.”Barbie” should partly take responsibility for the picture-perfect “standard of beauty” girls learn to value. With her leggy, busty figure and body measurements that would make it impossible for her to stand up in real life, “Barbie” is available in an assortment of races, colors, and professions, to appeal to any background or culture. Girl toys are basically all pink toys that overwhelmingly are associated with submissive or care-taking behavior. Girls and boys both learn that girls should take care of babies and cook, and worry about how their makeup and clothes look.While some little girls might naturally gravitate towards blocks, play guns and action figures, star wars light sabers, she may start to feel pressure to succumb to pink pressure and the gender socialization of acting like a girl and should only play with “Girly toys”.  Pink princess-themed, dress-up clothes are next to pink kitchen sets. Pink toy kitchens are next to the pink tea sets. Packages of pretend pink makeup exist side by side with fashion dolls dressed “scantily” in pink clothing. All of these Toys are projecting images of how girls are expected to dress and behave in our society. Girls are expected to look pretty and dress in pink clothes, that barely cover their behind and wear makeup. Girls are the primary market for dolls, which promote traditional gender roles. Dolls teach girls how to nurture and be caring, boys benefit too by observing. Dolls tend to teach children a traditional gender role, reinforcing old cultural norms, which suggest that only girls should take care of babies.


In conclusion, gender socialization, through toys, teaches and reinforces stereotypical
gender roles.It is often taught by our gender socialization that, boys are doctors and girls are nurses. Boys are football players and girls are cheerleaders. Also, boys invent things and girls use the things boys invent. Toys also teaches boys to fix things and shows girls they need things fixed. Boys are supposed to be presidents and girls are first ladies. In order to prevent children from learning by these stereotypes portrayed through toys, parents need to encourage gender-neutral and cross-gender play in children at an early age. American culture and its toys are teaching sexism and gender roles that is harmful to healthy cognitive function later in life. Gender stereotyping of children’s toys can also play a part in the disruptive  cognitive and social skills of both sexes. Such as, Girls loose self esteem when they are not pretty or sparkle, and are not encouraged to achieve. While boys become overachievers and loose self-esteem when they do not feel adequate or superior and lose, they are taught its bad or weak to lose.

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